Sunday, March 30, 2014

Gideon Foster House Peabody, MA

The Gideon Foster house is located on Washington Street in Peabody, MA. It was built in the 1800s and then bought by Gideon Foster in about 1815. It is now the home of the Peabody Historical Society, who obtained the house in 1916. 

Gideon Foster was a Revolutionary War militia officer/minuteman who was from South Danvers, which is today the town of Peabody. He led his men to Lexington and Concord as Captain, and also led his men to resupply American forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill. In his later years, he was appointed by the legislature to be major general of the Massachusetts Militia and he also joined in laying the cornerstones of the Battle of Lexington monument in the year of 1835.


  1. I didn't know that the Foster House was the home of the Historical Society. I know that in Peabody Square next to Down Town Pizza there is a memorial rock that states that his birth home resided there.

  2. That's interesting. Did anyone catch the Irony in the History? Gideon is a biblical name. He a called by God to free the Israelites from the midianite army. He rose up and casted down the alters of false worship and then constructed an army of about 32,000. God told him to send them home and only take a select few. At the end, Gideon defeated an army far larger then his with only 300 men of war. I thought it was interesting how Gideon Foster led a life of leadership in military just like the Gideon from the bible. Gideon means "Mighty warrior" in hebrew

  3. Hmmm--great comment. There are many historical figures with names that "foretell" their destiny. For instance, the lone dissenter on the Supreme Court for the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision was named John Marshall Harlan. John Marshall was the 3rd Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1801-1835) and the most important because he established the role of the Court as interpreting the U.S. Constitution. Most likely Harlan was named for the Chief Justice by his parents with high hopes that he would make it to the Supreme Court--and he did.

  4. Good to know, I never knew it was located in Peabody Ma.
