Friday, April 25, 2014

Salem Witch Trials

I read a post by a woman named Kimberly Koz, who's ancestor Elizabeth Howe was accused of witchcraft and hung during the Salem Witch trials. One interesting fact I pulled from this woman's post was that Elizabeth's main accuser was a 10 year old girl from another family, who claimed to have felt pricked by pins when she saw Elizabeth and this caused her to have fits. Several doctors apparently attested to this young girl as having been "invaded by evil." Throughout the next three years she seemed to have been "pined away to skin and bones" and died.



  1. I recently worked in Salem over the summer and heard many of these stories. Very interesting

  2. I recently worked in Salem over the summer and heard many of these stories. Very interesting

  3. Salem is a great place for history. My wife and I love to dress up on Halloween and visit Salem. This year we are planning on being Beauty and the Beast and our daughter will be a tea cup. Salem also has great pubs and great nightlife. We had our engagement party at Finz by the Shetland Properties on the water.
