Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This is the Spanish American War Section of Pine Grove Cemetery in Lynn, MA.  The famous Hiker statue by Theo Alice Ruggles Kitson is in the background.   Like Emily's earlier post, the inscription plate on the stone is similar to that in Wakefield.  It reads: " FREEDOM * PATRIOTISM * HUMANITY  Erected by the City of Lynn, Commemorating the Valor and Patriotism of the Men of this city who served in the war with Spain, Philippine Insurrection and the China Relief Expedition 1898-1902.  Dedicated, May 30, 1923, Under the auspices of General Joseph P. Sanger Camp No. 15, United Spanish War Veterans, Dept of Mass".   Follow this link to learn more about General Joseph P. Sanger for whom the Lynn Camp was named.  http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/jpsanger.htm .  General Sanger served in the Civil War, the Spanish American War in Cuba, and in the Philippines War.  I could not find a tie to Lynn, MA.

A photo of the plaque is on the right side of the larger photo.  On the left side of the larger photo is another photo of a bronze cross that was broken off one of the metal grave markers.  This one identifies the veteran as having served in Cuba.  There are 150 graves in this section of the cemetery and there is not one marker left in the section, except for this piece hiding on the ground.  Thieves have been stealing markers from all U.S. Cemeteries because many are made with copper and other heavy metals which have been commanding a high price since 2008. Follow this link to read an article about a thief caught in Worcester.  http://www.worcesterma.gov/wpd-press-releases/man-arrested-for-stealing-veteran-service-grave-markers



  1. It is extremely interesting knowing that their is ancient war memorabilia so close to my hometown of Saugus this is something I need to check out in the future

  2. It's interesting to me that it's called Pine Grove- there is a Pine Grove school near me in the next town over in Rowley. It's also awful that so many markers are stolen that are meant to commemorate people who risked their lives for our country's freedom.
