Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Hammond Park, Marblehead, MA

Hammond Park in Marblehead, Massachusetts

Hammond Park, named after William L. Hammond who was a prominent Marblehead school teacher that passed in 1995, is located at the end of Commercial Street next to the Municipal Light Department building,  overlooking Marblehead Harbor. Unfortunately at this time, Hammond Park is closed off to the public due to damage from the storms in March, you can see some of the debris still sprawled out throughout the park.

Hammond Park was established next to what used to be the Burgess Airplane Factory, that once proudly stood producing and testing new airplanes for the military during WWI. Starling Burgess, who may not have beaten the Wright brothers to the airplane, was actually the inventor of the first biplane which was built and tested in Marblehead, MA. Prior to his love of creating aircraft, Burgess was a prominent yacht builder and was very skilled at his craft. His work was extremely valuable for the war effort and also started the magnificent reign of Marine Corps aviation, which began its tests with Lt. A. A. Cunningham conducting flights over Marblehead Harbor. Sadly near the end of the war, the Burgess Airplane Factory caught fire and burnt down, what was once the largest employer of "Headers" in Marblehead soon disappeared over night. This lead Burgess to continue his old work of building award winning yachts. 

Pictured above: A Burgess Hydro-aeroplane preparing for testing and Burgess himself inspecting one of his own planes.

The United States Marine Corps prides itself on its traditions and history, including historical battles and dates of important changes to the organization.  Marblehead is considered the birthplace of Marine Corps Aviation due to Marine Lt. Alfred A. Cunningham’s soloed flight from the Burgess plant in Marblehead, Massachusetts on August 1 1912. From there, he continued to have a major role in the Marine Corps’ aviation practices, specifically during WWI and after. His continued advancement through the ranks soon landed Lt. Col. Cunningham the position of the first Director of Marine Corps Aviation. These accomplishments are now on display through a small plaque at the park along the water in historic Marblehead.

Links provided within text and as well as here,
History of A. A. Cunningham
History of Marine Corps Aviation
History of Starling Burgess and aviation within Marblehead

1 comment:

  1. Good job in researching the historical sources for this local slice of both aviation and Marine Corps history. I find it fascinating that there was an aircraft manufacturing plant in Marblehead during World War 1.
