Monday, May 8, 2017

North American Osprey

The Osprey is known to be one of the most-studied birds of North America, and is the only raptor that plunge dives to catch live fish as its prey. Osprey inhabit land in Alaska, Florida, California, and New England and the Northern birds migrate to Central/South America during the Winter and return in the Spring.

After the ban of the pesticide DDT, the number of Osprey per year began to rise 2.5% . Osprey's had been an untargeted victim that felt all of DDTs wrath. Being  a raptor bird that feeds off of smaller prey like the North American Osprey or Bald Eagle , they would eat these animals that had ingested DDT and in return would get sicker than the animals that had ingested the poison in the first place, due to the fact they would store the DDT from the animals it had eaten.

This Osprey seen in the pictures lives on the Saugus tracks not far from where Boston Street in Lynn, meet Lincoln Avenue in Saugus. It patrols the Saugus River Estuary, which is where the Lynn Harbor and Saugus river meet with both fresh and salt water.


  1. Osprey's are very similar to hawks. I always thought the nest that is on route 107 was a hawks nest. Pretty cool post !

  2. Sad that your photos dd not load properly.
